18.1 Pregnancy and Postpartum Recommendations

18.1 Workout

AMRAP 20 minutes:
8 hanging knee raises / 8 toes to bar
10 (5/arm) DB hang clean and jerks
12 cal row

Use 20lb DB / 35lb DB

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1st Trimester

Normal scaling for woman.

Toes to Bar/Hanging Knee Raises: If core is not strong or bracing is not established, strict leg raise or tuck variations.

If you’re feeling queasy, light headed; go lighter weight, slower pace, and more breaks in between each repetition or set.


2nd Trimester

It’s can be very hard to keep excellent core control in hanging positions.

Remove Toes to Bar if belly is showing. The why: there’s a high amount of stress on the trunk system and the already stressed linea alba of abdominals with this flexion movement.

Hanging knee raises: these also need to be performed with proper pelvic movement, core activation, and breathing. There should not be coning/doming at the linea alba. If there is, substitute with:

  • Supported knee tucks (box or parallettes)
  • Slam ball (onto a plate or 2 stacked to relieve depth of squatting to avoid discomfort)
  • Sledgehammer onto tire
  • Walking high knee marches (8/leg)

For DB hang clean and jerks: keep weight to outside of knee for women with a bigger belly, if more comfortable. Remain mindful of alignment. During this time, mechanics are changing so pay attention to wrists and torso.

Rows can get difficult once the belly grows bigger, set up a different station for women to bike or SkiErg 12 cals.


3rd Trimester

Take as many breaks between repetitions and sets as you need to.

Set yourself up on the fringe of the group so you have space to walk around without bumping into anyone else or putting yourself at risk of getting hit.

It’s can be very hard to keep excellent core control in hanging positions.

Remove Toes to Bar. The why: there’s a high amount of stress on the trunk system and the already stressed linea alba of abdominals with this flexion movement.

Hanging knee raises: these also need to be performed with proper pelvic movement, core activation, and breathing. If hanging, there should not be coning/doming at the linea alba. Hanging in the 3rd can also feel weird or even painful down the sides (lats, obliques) for some women. Recommendations are:

  • Supported knee tucks (box or parallettes)
  • Slam ball (onto a plate or 2 stacked to relieve depth of squatting to avoid discomfort)
  • Sledgehammer onto tire
  • Walking high knee marches (8/leg)

For DB hang clean and jerks: keep weight to outside of knee for women with a bigger belly, if more comfortable. Remain mindful of alignment. During this time, mechanics are changing so pay attention to wrists and torso.

Rows are impossible with a bigger bump, set up a different station for women to battling ropes*, bike, or SkiErg* 12 cals. *It is not ideal to combine sledge/slam balls with SkiErg or battle ropes as they’re two high volume flexion motions.


Postpartum Moms (<1 year)

Take as many breaks between repetitions and sets as you need to.

Set yourself up on the fringe of the group so you have space to walk around without bumping into anyone else or putting yourself at risk of getting hit.

No hanging for new mommas. Whatever movement you choose, it should be performed with intention and slowness. Do not fly through them to get them done. Pair the movement up with your controlled breath. Recommendations are:

  • Deadbug variations: 2 legs extending or scoops or weight in hand (8/leg)
  • Walking high knee marches (8/leg)
  • Quadruped/Bear crawl (8 forward)

For DB hang clean and jerks: Break up this movement into a DB Romanian deadlift, bicep curl, over head press. Choose a lighter weight for 5/side that you can do with control and trunk bracing throughout the movement.

For women who are more advanced, using a lighter weight may be fine if mechanics, posture, and breathing are on point. Still watch for lumbar lordosis.

Rows are not suitable for women who have DR or an unstable core. Set up a different station for women to bike or SkiErg 12 cals. The goal here is to breathe heavier without putting your linea alba under more stress. Some women may dome/cone on the SkiErg so always have them test the movement before it’s go time.


Postpartum (>1 year)

RX or Scale is most likely fine.

Remove Toes to Bar if woman has DR, incontinence, prolapse. The why: there’s a high amount of stress on the trunk system and the already stressed linea alba of abdominals with this flexion movement.

Hanging knee raises: these also need to be performed with proper pelvic movement, core activation, and breathing. There should not be coning/doming at the linea alba. If there is, substitute with:

  • Supported knee tucks (box or parallettes)